Another Twitter Feud? with Steve Mnuchin and Who?

Social media feuds happen all the time. Especially since the forty-fifth president/reality television and game show host Donald Trump took over the West Wing.

“He needs to tweet like we need to eat,” Kellyanne Conway, his White House counselor, said in an interview.

In a presidency unlike any other, where Mr. Trump wakes to Twitter, goes to bed with it and is comforted by how much it revolves around him, the person he most often singled out for praise was himself — more than 2,000 times, according to an analysis by The New York Times.

More than half of the president’s posts — 5,889 — have been attacks; no other category even comes close. His targets include the Russia investigation, a Federal Reserve that won’t bow to his whims, previous administrations, entire cities that are led by Democrats, and adversaries from outspoken athletes to chief executives who displease him.

Does he know he is president and doesn’t need to sit in his bathroom and remind the world how tough he is?

On the other hand, I’m staring at an article written on June 18, 2019, in USA Today stating that Dan Scavino is the one who writes Trump’s tweets.


Now i have to Google this guy.

Daniel Scavino Jr. (born January 15, 1976) is an American political advisor, currently serving as the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media.

But that has nothing to do with what I wanted to say. I always start my day by looking at the New York Post sports, Page Six, and Donald Trump tweets. (I like to read them before the morning shows show them to me).

Laptop on and coffee in hand, I go to the Post to see baseball’s re-opening plan du jour before looking at Page Six with the title, “Axl Rose, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spar on Twitter.

So this guy Mnuchin, who by the way according to the Internet (and you know if it’s on the Internet it’s got to be true), is worth $300 million and is married to Louise Linton, an actress and film producer.

Nice gloves.

I cannot tell you what movies and TV shows she has been in but the good news is she can relate to the people and isn’t that really all she needs to be doing these days.

“You never really own a diamond,” she says about a vintage pair of earrings. “You just get to keep it for a while before it begins a new journey with someone else.” Of a pair of drop-style earrings: “I love how easy pearls are to wear with anything and everything.”

And there are stories about how she came to acquire some of the jewels, many of which were gifts from her husband, a former Goldman Sachs executive. “These small Asscher cut studs were a Valentine’s gift a few years ago,” she says of a pair of icy earrings. “We took our dogs to a little ranch hotel in California for the weekend. The earrings always remind me of that trip.”

See how easy you can relate? So, now I have an idea who the Treasury Secretary and his wife are and how he understands the average guy and what day to day struggles he might be facing trying to feed his family.

Nobody saw this coming

Axel Rose, the frontman for Guns N’ Roses, sent out a tweet about Mnuchin. But is it really a big deal if a big-time rock guy like Axel Rose tweets. With iconic hits like Sweet Child O’Mine, November Rain, and Welcome to the Jungle, I would listen to what he had to say.

Now, add to this really famous and talented musician saying that a member of the Trump administration is an a-hole and it is probably worth reading the entire quote.

“It’s official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin he’s officially an asshole.”

Okay. Mnuchin is busy working on the economy and (I hope) getting laid by his wife who, by the way, has a closet, nearly the size of my first studio apartment on 45th Street, filled with brands such as Cotton Citizen, Alice + Olivia, H&M.

It gets better. Her floor-to-ceiling shoe shelves display Louboutin red-bottom soles next to $150 heels from Schutz.

So you would think, you know, with a pandemic going on and 3.2 million Americans filing for unemployment benefits last week that these two people would have better things to do than visit the social media universe.


Mnuchin responded and asked the rock star, “What have you done for the country lately?” 

Social media users were quick to note that Mnuchin had initially used the emoji of the Liberia flag, which includes a single star, instead of the U.S. flag.

The Treasury chief quickly deleted his original tweet and replaced it with one featuring the correct flag. Tweeting. It’s like texting. Why bother to proofread?

The switch did not go unnoticed by Rose, who sarcastically tweeted he “didn’t get we’re hoping 2 emulate Liberia’s economic model.”

The musician then elaborated on his initial criticism of the Trump administration, saying he was “not responsible for more than 70,000 deaths.” 

“Unlike u I don’t hold a fed gov position of responsibility 2 the American people n’ go on TV tellin them 2 travel the US during a pandemic,” he wrote.

Rose appeared to be referencing Mnuchin’s suggestion on Monday that Americans should consider traveling “domestically instead of making long-haul flights during the coronavirus pandemic.”

During an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Mnuchin said it is a “great time for people to explore America.”

And, “A lot of people haven’t seen many parts of America. I wish I could get back on the road soon.”

The tweet from Rose came after the band’s version of “Live and Let Die” was heard blaring through speakers as President Trump toured a factory producing N95 respirators for coronavirus response efforts. 

Rose was heard in the background singing, “If this ever-changing world in which we live in / Makes you give in and cry / say live and let die.”

Rose, a frequent critic of the president, in 2018 blasted Trump for playing the band’s music at his rallies after members formally requested him not to. 

You can’t make this stuff up. I am still staring at the article but perusing the rest of the Axel Rose tweet and replies which took me to Jimmy Kimmel.

“I can think of no better metaphor for this presidency than Donald Trump not wearing a face mask to a face mask factory while the song “Live and Let Die” blares in the background.”

I can.

Remember when the CDC said that people who feel healthy but recently had close contact with a person with Covid-19 should stay home and monitor their health? They should quarantine by staying home until 14 days after their last exposure and should check their temperature twice a day and watch for symptoms. The CDC also recommended they stay away from people who are at higher risk of becoming very ill.

Well, now that Trump’s valet tested positive for the virus, do you really think he’ll disappear for 14 days?

Of course not. He’ll make it his business to be in front of the cameras proving that no virus can stop him while praising Mnuchin in his Twitter battle.

As for Mnuchin? He is sitting pretty. He can’t relate to people and is married to someone Trump called a 9.