Is Karma Really a Bitch? It Must Be Because the Universe Has Been Paying Me Back for 20 Years!

I looked up the word karma the other day.  It means action, work, or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where the intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. I was telling a friend that my ex-wife did something, again, to hurt me while

Is Karma Really a Bitch? It Must Be Because the Universe Has Been Paying Me Back for 20 Years! Read More »

Forever Young

Amid the starlight was the ever glow of the moon, that mother of the sky watching over every beating heart, steady and true. She was reflecting off the backyard pond, splashing down its watery white-silver glow, illuminating the houses surrounding her. And in the distance, the trees were silhouetted against the deep, dark sky. “So,

Forever Young Read More »